Yacht Insurance

With Hurricane Risk Coverage

DSL can assist you in getting insurance for your yacht with two major most reputable European insurers, using different underwriters.

Comprehensive, Partially Comprehensive, Liability and Passenger Insurance are available for premiums of approx. 2% of the insured value of the yacht, regardless of the yacht is in private use or in a charter fleet.

Hurricane coverage is guaranteed and unlike with other companies, your benefit is based on the actual sum contracted (new for old) and not devalued over time.

This is not valid for USA registered vessels.

DSL Yachting Services

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Concierge, Fax & Mail Services

If you would like to have mail sent to you while in St. Lucia please use: YOURNAME c/o DSL Yachting…

Project Management & Spare Parts Procurement

Although basic spares are available on the island and we try to keep our inventory well stocked for most of…

Yacht Repair & Refits

Our team includes trained and experienced carpenters, electricians, mechanics, welders, sailmakers and fiberglass, gelcoat, varnish and upholstery specialists  working for…

Rental of Storage Space

Gingerlily Hotel The Ginger Lily Hotel is located in Rodney Bay Village in the north west area of St Lucia…

Yacht Delivery

DSL has a number of qualified and experienced captains and crew members on hand, that will deliver your yacht to…

Where to stay in St Lucia

Gingerlily Hotel The Ginger Lily Hotel is located in Rodney Bay Village in the north west area of St Lucia…